Side gigs that make you more than a full-time job

3 min read

Anthony O'neal
Side gigs that make you more than a full-time job

Allow your 9-5 to fund your 5-9. You can make anywhere from $10k to $20k a month with side gigs, in fact, 45% of working Americans currently have a side gig. However, not all side gigs are created equal, let’s talk about the most lucrative side gigs that allow you to make more than a full-time job and achieve more financial stability, because you never know what the future holds, and ensuring you have a savings built up and can keep going when the time comes, is exactly what a side gig can get you.

I talked in-depth about these side gigs, my experience with some of them, and why I know they’re beneficial on my YouTube channel. Come join the conversion there after reading through the essentials! 


Accounting & bookkeeping 

Accountants and bookkeepers' role is to provide financial services to clients by maintaining financial records, preparing tax returns, and providing financial advice. They help their clients manage their finances effectively, and there are certified professional accountants (CPAs), but you also have non-certified bookkeepers. 

Skills Required

  • Strong understanding of accounting principles
  • Proficiency in accounting software
  • Attention to detail 

Income Potential

This is a perfect opportunity for those of you that get geeked out on everything needing to be clear and organized. I’m big on knowing all the details. Knowing I’m spending money on food is good, but I want to know whether that money was spent on groceries or eating out. This is why bookkeeping and accounting are so important, not only to me, but  it provides an incredible lucrative side gig. Accounting and bookkeeping, according to research, is in the top 5 careers of the top 10 that create net worth millionaires. Net worth millionaires meaning these individuals are making $80,000 to $150,000 a year but they’re able to invest it properly to increase their overall net worth.

Depending on the client base and the services you offer you can make anywhere from $20 to $100+ an hour. That being said, there is some level of education that is required, but you don’t have to go to college to become a bookkeeper. Upskillist is a great resource for learning the skills for accounting and bookkeeping, and a range of other skills, to jumpstart your career without needing a college degree. 

Digital Course Creators

As a digital course creator, you’re taking your 10% knowledge and teaching that skill to others in the form of a paid course. For example, if you have 3 years of experience in X field, you can create a course on teaching that knowledge and offer it to people who want to learn that skill. 

There are downsides to this though, there are people that are jumping into it with the wrong mindset – they are jumping into it because of the money-making potential but forget to add the value. However, there are so many people out there that understand the value they can provide to others and can teach their skills to others. When creating courses to teach others a skill, the value needs to be there and you need to understand the value you’re bringing in order to make it a side gig that has money-making potential.

Skills Required

  • Expertise and a 10% edge in a specific subject or niche
  • Create engaging content 
  • Marketing and sales skills 

Income Potential

Income can vary depending on the popularity of the course, the need of the course, the pricing strategy and the marketing efforts. Digital course creators can earn thousands of dollars a month, and can make anywhere from $15k to $100k a month – that being said there are very few that make that much a month. 

It is possible, but you need to take time and do research to figure out what people need in your niche. When you take that time it’s entirely possible to make that $15k to $20k a month. This is where Upskillist can come in handy again, they can help you with marketing, edit a video, and the right platforms to use.


Consultants offer expert advice to businesses and individuals in specific industries or fields. They give problem-solving solutions and specialized knowledge to help clients improve performance, solve challenges, and achieve their goals. They are highly sought after for marketing, email-list building, YouTube growth, and more. The very first consultant I went to for YouTube charged me $12,500 for the day, but they had the specific skill I needed.

Skills Required

  • Deep knowledge in a particular field
  • Problem solving - not advice or ideas, but genuine problem solving
  • Communication skills - being a people person is incredibly important

Income Potential

Income can range from $50 to $500 per hour depending on the expertise and the demand for the service. When you have specialized skills you can command higher rates. It’s important to note that consultants are not simply providing ideas or just advice, but they’re able to give a strategy and steps to solve a problem their clients face. 

Virtual Assistants

Virtual assistants (VAs) provide administrative and support services to clients remotely by handling tasks like email management, scheduling appointments, social media, graphics and design, research, and more. They help clients streamline activities by allowing them to focus on the things they love by helping them do the things they don’t love but are necessary for business operations.

Skills Required

  • Organization
  • Time management
  • Proficiency with software
  • Communication skills

Income Potential

Typically make $15 to $100 an hour which depends on experience, specialized skills, and services offered. Virtual assistants can specialize in a lot of different skills, which can help them command higher rates because of high demand for that skill, or because they have a ton of experience. 

Landscapers and Contractors

Landscapers and contractors specialize in outdoor maintenance and construction, gardening, landscaping, lawn care, and they build and maintain indoor and outdoor spaces by enhancing the aesthetic value and appeal of residential and commercial properties. 

Skills Required

  • Desire and passion
  • Knowledge of landscaping and construction techniques
  • Physically strong 
  • Operate machinery and tools safely

Income Potential

The income potential depends on location, specialization and the project size. For example, my pool project cost $120,000 but my front yard only cost $5,000. Landscapers or contractors may charge hourly rates anywhere from $45 to $100 per hour, or project-based rates. Again, these specialists can command higher rates for more experience, specialized skill set, or even places where property value is incredibly important and their knowledge is in high demand.

Frequent Flier Specialists

Frequent flier specialists help individuals maximize their travel rewards and loyalty program benefits from airlines, hotels and credit card companies. Their job is to find the best travel deals for their clients. They provide advice on earning and redeeming points, finding the best deals on flights and accommodations to maximize your travel experience. 

Skills Required

  • Deep understanding of airline loyalty programs
  • Ability to maximize rewards and perks
  • Good research skills

Income Potential

Income can vary depending on the services offered and client-base. They may charge hourly rates or flat fees for consultations or may even earn commission through booking services or affiliate partnerships. This can be an extra  $2,000 to $5,000 a month, and you can take that knowledge and apply it to yourself and you can travel the world with your knowledge. 

eCommerce and online selling

eCommerce and online selling entrepreneurs sell products online through platforms like Amazon, Shopify, Etsy, and Ebay by sourcing or creating products and setting up online stores, managing inventory, and marketing their products to customers and reaching a global audience to generate sales. Some of these entrepreneurs even buy things wholesale and sell them to customers through their own online store.

Skills Required

  • Product sourcing
  • Marketing knowledge 
  • Customer service
  • Great eCommerce platform management

Income Potential

The income potential for eCommerce and online selling can be significant but is highly variable depending on the product, marketing strategy, ads, and market demand. Successful entrepreneurs can earn a few hundred dollars to millions of dollars a year depending on the type of products and they demand.


Realtor’s assist clients in buying, selling, and renting commercial and residential properties. They take on tasks such as guiding clients through the real estate transaction process such as property search, price negotiations, contract drafting, closing procedures. This is an incredibly lucrative side gig but there can be seasons where you won’t make anything. 

Skills Required

  • Knowledge of the real estate market
  • Negotiation skills
  • Marketing and sales
  • Real estate class or program

Income Potential

The income potential for real estate agents is typically commission-based on the sale price of the home. Commission can range anywhere from 1% to 6% or more of the sale price. The higher the commission potential is substantial in areas with high property values or high demand for real estate services. 

Taking care of you while building your side gigs

While all of these side gigs are incredibly lucrative, we can’t forget that while you’re doing this you’re also a mother, a father, a wife, a son, a daughter, a partner, and all this can be stressful. You need to be taking care of your number one asset, your mind. While talking to a partner can be a way to help, I’m talking about actual therapy, where you can talk about your stress with someone that’s experienced and knowledgeable in understanding your mental state and how to help you. 

Betterhelp is exactly the place where you can find experienced and knowledgeable therapists that can help you with personal growth and overcoming significant hurdles. Prioritizing taking care of your mental health is so important when building a life of increase and overall wealth. 

Let’s Recap

Depending on your interest, expertise, and goals you can find different side gigs to supplement your income for financial stability. I don’t believe that everyone should be an entrepreneur, I think that there are a lot of people out there that are going to have a full-time job that are going to retire from that job and they’re killing it. Then there are entrepreneurs that aren’t going to have a 9-5, it’s just not their thing. However, I do believe that everyone should have a side gig, everybody should be making income on the side because it provides a level of freedom that your job can’t give you. 

You never know what the future holds, and having income on the side to help supplement your lifestyle, create a savings and investment portfolio can help protect you, your loved ones, and family if the day comes where you don’t have your 9-5 anymore. Don’t put all your eggs in one basket, allow your 9-5 to fund your 5-9.

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