According To Your Responses
Your Table May
Be Missing:
A Healthy Career
⬇️ Here's What That Tells Me ⬇️
Your Results
Hello, powerhouse! Dedicated, driven, and fast on the uptake, you’re an asset to every team. You pride yourself on the quality of your work, and you’re willing to put in all the time it takes to scoop that next raise or promotion.
You still feel like something’s missing.
Ever Wonder This?
Maybe you wonder, “Why don’t my paychecks reflect the quantity and quality of my work?,” “Is it normal to feel this constrained?,” or even, “Is this really all there is?”
If that sounds familiar, let me be the first to say: More is possible for you—BUT first…
… you have to make room for it.
Your Results
When our table lacks a Healthy Career, we feel like we’re living on someone else’s terms. Our employers run the show, guiding us in a direction we don’t want to go and pulling us away from our purpose. And we feel powerless to change it.
That could not be further from the truth.
When God created you, he gave you an incredible gift: a mission that you (and only you!) can fulfill and the power to take control and fulfill it. Whether that means finding a career that aligns with your beliefs or setting boundaries between work and life.
Not Sure Where to Start on the Path
to a Healthy Career?
⬇️ Here's What That Tells Me ⬇️
You’ll Walk Away From These Results With Step-by-Step Strategies to Take Control of Your Career and Make “Work” Work for You
Ready to Turn YOUR Table?
('Cause, take it from me, it's never too late to take control of your finances and align your paycheck with your purpose🙏🏾)
Define Your Own Fulfillment and Open the Floodgates for Mental, Spiritual, and Financial Freedom With...
Your Healthy Career Toolkit:
Find More Empowerment in Your Paycheck & Set Yourself Up for Financial Freedom
Our career often represents security. It’s how we earn money—it’s how we keep a roof over our heads and food on the table. Which is why it’s really easy to let work take over. We neglect our health and our relationships.
For that reason, I want to make it super clear your work isn’t the same thing as your table...
Because your table is connected to your God-given assignment—but the work you do may not be related to your God-given assignment. In fact, I believe many people have work that’s actually a distraction or a detriment from their assignment.
Now, what I’m not going to do is tell you to pick up your phone, call your boss, and quit right here and now. I know how tempting it can be. I’ve worked more than my fair share of jobs that didn’t serve me…… all the while wondering, “What’s the point?”
I’ll tell you what I wish I could’ve told myself:
The magic happens when you can merge your career with your purpose.
Don’t know where to start? That’s all good—and I’m about to give you step-by-step strategies for moving your career to its rightful seat at your table so you can do just that.
It's Time to Open...
Your Healthy Career Toolkit:
In our career-oriented society, it’s easy to forget that work is a part of life, NOT the whole thing. It gives you the resources to support yourself. It keeps the food on your table and the roof over your head.
But can you count on it for a sense of purpose?
Not so much 😬
Work often distracts us from the purpose we’re trying to fulfill. In a perfect world, we’d hand in our resignation and find something that supports, rather than detracts from it, but, realistically, that takes time.
So, let’s start by bringing awareness to how your current job impacts your table and set some boundaries.
Grab a pen and paper and answer the following questions:
1. How is work affecting your mental and physical health?
2. How is work affecting your relationships?
3. How can you protect those other parts of your life? Can you commit to saying no to meetings where your presence isn’t necessary, setting and sticking to your working hours, or silencing Slack and work email notifications after 6 PM?
Now, pick a couple of boundaries from your answer to that last question and implement them, knowing that, by doing so, you’re reclaiming confidence AND control.
So, how do you find a career that contributes to your purpose? A personal vision statement can help. It describes your long-term values, strengths, and goals and makes following through on them easy.
Go ahead and write down your responses to the following questions:
1. What are you good at?
2. What does the world need?
3. What activities make you feel energized?
4. What makes you angry? List 3-6.
5. What problems in the world do you want to solve?
6. Who are the most important people in your life?
7. What is your ideal lifestyle in five, 10 and 20 years? Circle any common themes.
8. Who do you want in your life in five, 10 and 20 years? Circle any common themes.
9. How would you like to be remembered at the end of your days?
Fill in the blanks:
I want to ____. This connects me to my values of ___. This is important because ____.
you to own something else on the side. I’m talking about an income source that you own and manage for yourself: A side hustle.
Why do I recommend that? It’s never a good idea for someone other than yourself or your spouse to have control over your life.
That includes your boss—even if you like your boss. Even if your boss is a wonderful person. Because you know what? Bosses can retire or be replaced. Situations can change.
And if the stability of your table is dependent on a
a company providing you with a job and a salary, then you’re in a precarious position.
Again, let’s look at your life. If you were to lose your job tomorrow, what would happen to your financial situation? To your family? To your lifestyle? If you are currently dependent on a paycheck to make ends meet, you could be in real trouble once that paycheck is no longer available.
Here are some ideas to get you started:
- If you’re a people person, start an Uber or Turo business in your free time. You’ll get some great tax write-offs, you’ll meet lots of new people, and you’ll earn extra income.
- If you’re a teacher and you never want to leave the classroom, use this coming summer to develop video courses that help train new teachers. You can sell those courses to earn extra income and help the next generation get started well.
- If you’re a construction worker, a plumber, or an electrician, find a way to buy a discounted home and then spend a year flipping it in your spare time. When you’re done, you can rent it out for passive income.
Now, Before You Start Taking Control of Your Career
When It Comes to Carrying Out Your Mission and Creating the Change You (and Only You!) Can Create…
A Healthy Career Is One Part Of A Bigger Picture Table
THIS table isn’t your average table. THIS table—your table—is your life. It’s who you were, who you are, and who you were born to be. It’s your past, present, and future.
Instead of wooden planks, it’s made up of everything you need to own your decisions and take control of your life: spiritual, mental, physical, financial, and relational wellness.
Having even ONE of those is something to be so proud of…
But, to be honest, the real magic happens when they come together. When they are functioning as a unified whole—that’s when we can really take a seat at the HEAD of our own table.
Now, before we dig deeper into WHAT that means, WHY it matters, and HOW it can help you live a fuller, more authentic life…
⬇️ Let’s Take A Look At Your Table ⬇️
Having a Healthy Career may not be your strongest suit, BUT your personalized toolkit paired with my guidance and support means that that can and will change.
And when it does…
The other parts of your table—from finances to relationships—will prosper, too. After all, they’re parts of the same whole.

"Hold Up!"
What Does My Table Have To Do With Me Living My Life’s Mission?
“Who’s The Man Behind All This Table Talk?”
Let Me Introduce Myself
Hey there, and welcome! I’m Anthony O’Neal, bestselling author, speaker, and host of the popular podcast The Table with Anthony O’Neal.
I’ve spent the past decade helping hundreds of thousands of people build a debt-free life through my online courses and books, Debt-Free Degree and Destroy Your Student Loan Debt.
But before that…
… I was living in my car, prepping for first dates by washing myself with dish soap.
So, what took me from there to running a seven-figure business, being published in the big publications, and speaking on the big stages?
If I had to narrow it down to ONE thing, it would be this: I chose to be Anthony Bernard O’Neal all the time. To be myself and nobody else every minute of every day. I
wish I could describe the freedom and relief that has come with that choice—not to mention abundance and wellness.
I want the same for you.
And because you’re reading this, I’m willing to bet you’re ambitious. I’m willing to bet you have dreams, goals, and plans that you’re committed to carrying out. But you may not know WHERE to start or HOW to make it happen.
I want you to leave that to me.
From spiritual wellness, I’m here to guide and support you to show up authentically across all aspects of life, so you can achieve everything you came here to achieve.
To taking a seat at your table,
Anthony O’Neal
This Calls For A Standing Ovation
Today You Started Steering Your Career in the Direction You Desire So You Can…
Take A Seat At The Head Of Your Table
Taking that first step and committing to making a change is never easy, BUT today you overcame inertia and did it regardless. That takes courage. That takes strength. And that’s the spirit you need to start living a fuller life as your authentic self!
There’s One Last Thing You Should Know
You Can’t Manage Your Table Without Managing Your Money
Nothing messes with our emotions quite like money. From fear and guilt to the kind of shame that makes us want to curl up in a ball and disappear, it brings up feelings we don’t want to feel. But, for a second, try to set that aside—because beneath those emotions…
Money is nothing more than a tool.
It doesn’t define you, but when mismanaged, it can prevent you from reaching your full potential.
It won’t answer your questions, but it can help you find the answers you need to fulfill your purpose.
And if you want to take emotions out of the equation, lay the foundation for financial literacy, and start using your dollars and cents as a tool to transform your life…

is a Gameplan.. For
Getting in the Driver's
Seat of Your Own Life

Gain a WEALTH of step-by-step strategies to set other people's expectations aside and step into your God-given assignment:

The mindset that took me from homeless to taking a seat at the head of my own table and building more wealth than I ever thought

How to identify who’s at the head of your table, remove them, and show them to their rightful seat. So you can take control and make the right decisions—for YOU

How to create a Money Vision that matches your mission and purpose—PLUS, a proven approach to develop the discipline you need to follow it

7 Questions to help you take stock of your table and use your resources to serve your purpose

What your number-one asset really is AND the 3 people we ALL need at our tables to tend to it