According To Your Responses
Your Table May
Be Missing: Physical Wellness
⬇️ Here's What That Tells Me ⬇️
Your Results
Between work and family (+ your personal goals) your schedule is bursting at the seams 😮💨 Whew, that’s more than most teams, let alone one person can manage—yet you’re holding it down.
You still feel like something’s missing.
Ever Wonder This?
Maybe you wonder, “Why do I feel so on edge?” or “I slept for eight hours last night—why am I still exhausted? Maybe I’m just not passionate enough.”
If that sounds familiar, let me be the first to say: It ISN’T that you lack inspiration, motivation, or passion.
It may be that you’re investing those resources…
…in the wrong thing.
Your Results
When our table lacks Physical Wellness, we get so wrapped up in our goals that we lose control of life’s other areas. We tell ourselves we don’t have time to eat healthy, exercise, and rest—when, in reality, we can’t feel better, do better, and fulfill our God-given mission without them.
We may even begin to feel like our bodies are more of a burden than a blessing.
That could not be further from the truth.
When God created you, he gave you an incredible gift: a mission that you (and only you!) can fulfill and the exact body you need to fulfill it. Now, it’s just a matter of taking care of your health so it can start taking care of you, too.
Not Sure Where to Start on the Path
to Physical Wellness?
⬇️ Here's What That Tells Me ⬇️
You’ll Walk Away From These Results With Step-by-Step Strategies to Take Control of Your Health and Turn Your Confidence Up From a 2 to a 10
Ready to Turn YOUR Table?
('Cause, take it from me, it's never too late to start taking care of your body like the divine creation it is🙏🏾)
Define Your Own Fulfillment and Open the Floodgates for Mental, Spiritual, and Financial Freedom With...
Your Physical Wellness Toolkit:
Crank Up Your Confidence and Take Your Power Back
I don’t have to tell you that taking care of your physical wellness is important. From drinking more water to eating less fast food to working out and lifting weights, you’ve heard it all before.
BUT if you’re like most, hearing it doesn’t necessarily translate into doing it.
Which helps explain WHY:
- More than 40 percent of adults in the United States are obese according to the National Institute of Health.
- More than 10 percent of US citizens over the age of twelve (!) are addicted to alcohol, and more than 140,000 Americans die every year from the effects of alcohol.
- Roughly one-third of Americans don’t get enough sleep at night. In fact, things are so bad that almost 40 percent of adults report falling asleep without meaning to during the day
It’s understandable…
Compared to succeeding at school or work, holding it down at home, and making progress on your personal goals—hitting the gym might be low on your list of priorities.
Here’s the thing, though…
…when our physical wellness suffers, our ability to hit our other targets suffers, too.
Now, if you’re thinking, “Cool, Anthony… but if you’re just going to tell me to eat clean and exercise, save your breath.”
Just know that my mission with the following step-by-step strategies is to help you make the process of improving your physical health as enjoyable as the results.
It's Time to Open...
Your Physical Wellness Toolkit:
When we think of “working out,” we tend to think of strength training or sweating it out on the StairMaster. And, don’t get me wrong—those are awesome options…
IF you genuinely like them.
But they aren’t your only options, and if you want to start working out and make it stick, I’d recommend thinking outside the box and finding something you actually look forward to.
Grab a pen and paper, set a timer for 5 minutes, and brainstorm things that you enjoy. Try not to overthink it, and write down whatever comes to mind—could be anything: hanging out with friends, spending time in nature, etc.
Once you have your list, do a little research and look for workouts that meet one or more of your criteria.
Here are a few ideas to get you started:
- Dance Class
- Hiking
- Rollerblading
- Rock Climbing
- Tennis
- Kickboxing
- Circuit Training
- Outdoor Yoga
- Spinning
Find any matches?
If so, start off slow—and make sure to add it to your calendar as if it were an appointment. This will help you hold yourself accountable on days when you’re tired or unmotivated.
And if not…
Keep looking! There’s a “right” workout for everyone. It’s just a matter of finding it, and your body and mind will thank you once you do.
To many of us, “eating healthy” means cutting out sugar, cutting out fat, or counting every calorie we consume. It’s all about limitations…
But sticking to a diet like that takes a TON of willpower, which is why they often end with us saying “Whatever” and stopping for fast food at the nearest drive through on the way home from work.
Instead, I want to focus on two things here:
1. What You Can Add In:
Instead of cutting out unhealthy food, try adding healthy ones, like fresh fruits, vegetables, and lean protein in.
2. Making It Easy:
Think about that in your own situation: Where can you add more?
Maybe your morning routine includes rolling up for a fast-food breakfast sandwich. Next time you go, order a fruit cup, too. Especially in the beginning, let it be that easy.
It takes between 9-15 years to become a licensed doctor. Why? Because the human body is complicated. That’s why it’s so important to have people helping you with the right information.
Here are the 3 types of people to have on your Physical Wellness team:
Doctor: You need a medical professional who knows their stuff, who knows you as a person, and who knows
how to explain medical information in a way you can understand. This needs to be someone you trust. Someone who genuinely wants you to be healthy—not someone who sees you as a meal ticket or just another face in the crowd.
Here are a few questions you should ask yourself when it comes to finding the right doctor to speak into your life:
- Does my doctor know my name? Do they recognize me when I come in the room?
- Does my doctor listen to what I say? Do they hear me when I describe my symptoms, or do they just get out the prescription pad and tell me to try the next pharmaceutical?
- Does my doctor have time in their schedule to fit me in? Am I able to make appointments in a reasonable amount of time?
- Does my doctor understand nutrition? Do they recognize the connection between what I eat and how I feel?
- When I listen to my doctor and do what they say, does it help? Do I get better?
Nutritionist: Many of us don’t feel confident when it comes to identifying and eating the right foods for our bodies. There are so many fads out there and so many opinions flying around that we can easily feel confused.
A nutritionist can help you put together a plan for fueling your specific body. You’ll understand what to eat, but also why certain foods affect you in certain ways. You will literally become an informed consumer, and your health with benefit.
Personal Trainer: Your personal trainer will know things you don’t know and see things you don’t see, making them an invaluable voice in your Physical Wellness. Plus, they can provide some much-needed motivation when we’re in a rut.
And if you’re worried about the cost, most gyms include consultations with a personal trainer as part of your membership.
Now, Before You Start Reclaiming Your Confidence
When It Comes to Carrying Out Your Mission and Creating the Change You (and Only You!) Can Create…
Physical Wellness Is One Part Of A Bigger Picture Table
THIS table isn’t your average table. THIS table—your table—is your life. It’s who you were, who you are, and who you were born to be. It’s your past, present, and future.
Instead of wooden planks, it’s made up of everything you need to own your decisions and take control of your life: spiritual, mental, physical, financial, and relational wellness.
Having even ONE of those is something to be so proud of…
But, to be honest, the real magic happens when they come together. When they are functioning as a unified whole—that’s when we can really take a seat at the HEAD of our own table.
Now, before we dig deeper into WHAT that means, WHY it matters, and HOW it can help you live a fuller, more authentic life…
⬇️ Let’s Take A Look At Your Table ⬇️
Mental Wellness may not be your strongest suit, BUT your personalized toolkit paired with my guidance and support means that that can and will change.
And when it does…
The other parts of your table—from finances to relationships—will prosper, too. After all, they’re parts of the same whole.

"Hold Up!"
What Does My Table Have To Do With Me Living My Life’s Mission?
“Who’s The Man Behind All This Table Talk?”
Let Me Introduce Myself
Hey there, and welcome! I’m Anthony O’Neal, bestselling author, speaker, and host of the popular podcast The Table with Anthony O’Neal.
I’ve spent the past decade helping hundreds of thousands of people build a debt-free life through my online courses and books, Debt-Free Degree and Destroy Your Student Loan Debt.
But before that…
… I was living in my car, prepping for first dates by washing myself with dish soap.
So, what took me from there to running a seven-figure business, being published in the big publications, and speaking on the big stages?
If I had to narrow it down to ONE thing, it would be this: I chose to be Anthony Bernard O’Neal all the time. To be myself and nobody else every minute of every day. I
wish I could describe the freedom and relief that has come with that choice—not to mention abundance and wellness.
I want the same for you.
And because you’re reading this, I’m willing to bet you’re ambitious. I’m willing to bet you have dreams, goals, and plans that you’re committed to carrying out. But you may not know WHERE to start or HOW to make it happen.
I want you to leave that to me.
From spiritual wellness, I’m here to guide and support you to show up authentically across all aspects of life, so you can achieve everything you came here to achieve.
To taking a seat at your table,
Anthony O’Neal
This Calls For A Standing Ovation
Today You Made A MAJOR Move Towards Feeling Like the Strongest Version of Yourself So You Can…
Take A Seat At The Head Of Your Table
Taking that first step and committing to making a change is never easy, BUT today you overcame inertia and did it regardless. That takes courage. That takes strength. And that’s the spirit you need to start living a fuller life as your authentic self!
There’s One Last Thing You Should Know
You Can’t Manage Your Table Without Managing Your Money
Nothing messes with our emotions quite like money. From fear and guilt to the kind of shame that makes us want to curl up in a ball and disappear, it brings up feelings we don’t want to feel. But, for a second, try to set that aside—because beneath those emotions…
Money is nothing more than a tool.
It doesn’t define you, but when mismanaged, it can prevent you from reaching your full potential.
It won’t answer your questions, but it can help you find the answers you need to fulfill your purpose.
And if you want to take emotions out of the equation, lay the foundation for financial literacy, and start using your dollars and cents as a tool to transform your life…

is a Gameplan.. For
Getting in the Driver's
Seat of Your Own Life

Gain a WEALTH of step-by-step strategies to set other people's expectations aside and step into your God-given assignment:

The mindset that took me from homeless to taking a seat at the head of my own table and building more wealth than I ever thought

How to identify who’s at the head of your table, remove them, and show them to their rightful seat. So you can take control and make the right decisions—for YOU

How to create a Money Vision that matches your mission and purpose—PLUS, a proven approach to develop the discipline you need to follow it

7 Questions to help you take stock of your table and use your resources to serve your purpose

What your number-one asset really is AND the 3 people we ALL need at our tables to tend to it