5 money tips every man should know. (Ladies watch this too)
3 min read

In 2019, 52% of men said financial matters cause them the most stress, and the amount of financial stress has been increasing as generations go on. In fact, seventy-one percent of Millennials say that their stress level related to economic issues has grown over the last 12 months. (Money Habitudes)
This is serious.
So, right now, I want to talk to fellas, but ladies, you can get something from this too. I'm giving five money tips that every man should know. We’re going deep and diving into the things that cause us to lose focus and how to go hard after our goals.
1. Deal with the past so it doesn't distract you from your financial future.
This may not sound like a money tip, but it has EVERYTHING to do with how you spend your money and your financial goals.
It's easy to let the past hold you back from achieving your goals. You might have made bad decisions in the past, or maybe things didn't go as planned.
However, that doesn't mean these mistakes define you forever or that they should prevent you from moving forward with your life and achieving what matters most to you (which is probably more than just money).
We take our experiences with us: disappointment, rejection, and failure affect us. But you don't want that baggage to harden you or to become defensive, because you become distracted the moment you do that.
What happens if you don’t address these problems is you start chasing ladies who don’t love you, spending money you don’t have to flex on social media, or chasing money illegally so you can impress people.
If this sounds familiar, I want you to get help to work through this. My friends over at BetterHelp are trained professionals in helping people to work through past experiences like these, so we can lives healthier, better lives.
Listen, trying to impress people with money will keep you broke forever, and comparison is the thief of joy. Everyone has different experiences, and you have to focus on your journey! Besides, you never truly know what someone’s going through. The guy who looks like he has it all might be drowning in debt or struggling with something personal.
Don’t let your mistakes dictate where you go and what choices are available for your future. Instead, use them as a learning experience so that next time around, things will be different — maybe even better!
2. Stop chasing the approval of ladies (or gentlemen) and of your peers.
Stop chasing their approval, period. Stop trying to impress women and other men (your peers) with your money. (Times of India)
As I mentioned above, this is a massive factor in why guys don't succeed financially. To be successful, you have to focus on being the best version of yourself and getting out of your own way.
In fact, stop caring about what they think at all. You are not a man if you don't have the guts to be yourself. Men, we have to be bold and willing to be our authentic selves no matter who’s looking. That confidence is infectious and opens doors to incredible financial opportunities. It also frees you to take risks and go against the grain, like paying off your debt and not trying to keep up with the Jones’, or opening a new business. Save your money for the people who truly love you and have your back.
3. Focus your energy on your gifts, and find a career you love.
Once you’ve dealt with the personal and emotional reasons behind your financial decisions, it's time to focus on developing your gifts to build a career you love.
If there's something specific that you've always wanted to do with your life, now is the time to start figuring out how you can make that happen.
Skills, training programs, or certifications may be needed for what you want to do. If so, start researching those and determine where they are available (online or traditional).
Ask for help from mentors who have been successful in this area. They'll know exactly where/how/when it's best for someone like yourself (a beginner) who doesn't have all the knowledge but wants to learn.
Also, don’t be afraid to start small and put in the work to grow. There’s no shame in starting from the bottom. That’s where you learn the skills you need when you reach the top.
Starting small also ensures that when problems arise down the road (and trust me when I say they will), there won't be such a big gap between how much money is made and how much money could be made by expanding into new markets or hiring more employees, etc.
I’m a huge advocate for developing a personal vision statement. And trust me, you need one too. To create your personal vision statement, answer these questions:
- What activities make you feel fully energized?
- What are you good at?
- What are your values?
4. Get out of debt.
Getting into debt is one of the most dangerous common money mistakes. If you want to be the best man you can be, getting out of debt is essential.
Debt is a trap, plain and simple. It can feel like you have no choice but to be in debt because everybody else seems to be doing it, but that's not true. You can learn how to stop borrowing money and pay off your debts without having to rely on credit cards or loans from family members or friends.
It's also essential that your finances are in order before getting married. If you're already married and have kids, there is still time!
The first thing you need to do is figure out how much debt you currently have. Once you've identified what your debts look like, create a plan to pay them off as soon as possible and make up your mind to stay out of debt, so you don’t fall back into old habits.
5. Grind as much as you can and stack your cash.
Brothas, if you’re single you need to be working HARD. If you’re broke and want more money, you gotta work! The more you make, the more you can save and invest, and that's what this is all about—keeping your money to give yourself a lifestyle that will make you and your future family happy.
Men, we are are our families' providers and protectors, meaning we have responsibilities to our loved ones. If there's a will, there's a way; if it's worth it to you, then go out there and make it happen!
If you’re looking for a career that makes more money, the technology industry is booming and it’s growing like crazy. And you can learn the skills it takes to land these jobs in no time. Bethel Tech is a tech boot camp that’s been helping men and women develop the skills to land five- and six-figure jobs in the tech industry in a matter of months.
Whatever you do, make sure your financial situation is open to everything that matters most: family, friends, career advancement, and more! If you're already married or have kids, I want you to do this too. Be present for your family, but I want you working, not just sitting on the couch playing video games.
And when you’re making money, I want you to do the right things with it, so you’re not living paycheck to paycheck. Because, trust me, making six figures doesn’t mean you can’t have money problems. You’ve got to do these things with your money:
- Pay off all of your debt. All of it!
- Save 3-6 months for emergencies
- Save 15% for retirement
- Buy and house and pay it off early
And I’m not even gonna front you for saving some money to invest in future business ventures: real estate, venture capital, or buying a franchise.
To succeed financially, be intentional about your money and make it work.
To succeed financially, it's essential to be intentional about your money. In other words, make it work for you.
Gentlemen, and ladies, here’s what I want you to do to get your money right:
- Deal with the past so it doesn't distract you from your financial future.
- Get rid of the distractions in your life. Stop chasing the approval of ladies (or gentlemen) and of your peers.
- Focus your energy on using your gifts.
- Get out of debt.
- Grind like crazy, and use your money wisely.
So, there you have it, the five tips every man should know. And ladies, don't think this isn't for you either! After reading through this list, I hope you can take some of these lessons and apply them to your life.
If you follow these five tips diligently and consistently, you'll be financially secure in no time. Now get out there and live the best life possible!
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